1、 负责企业信息化系统的内部支持、参与业务讨论及优化2、 参与企业信息化项目、智能制造项目实施与落地3、 负责信息化系统的日常运维、权限管理4、 系统功能及报表开发
Job requirement:1. 良好的商务英语读写,能与外国主管日常邮件交流 Capable of listening, reading and writing in English. Be able to communicate with foreign director through daily communication. 2. 较强的谈判和应变能力,善于组织、协调和利用各种资源 Strong negotiation and strain capacity. Good at organization, coordination and utilizing various resources.3. 积极向上,能独立思考和工作,自信,兼有团队合作精神 Positive and confident. Be able to think and work independently while team cooperation spirit possessed;4. 诚实刻苦,坚韧不拔,能承受较大工作压力。能适应短途出差 Honest and with tenacity, hardship and pressure endurable. Adapted to short haul business trip.5. 有销售、采购经历者优先考虑 Sales and purchasing experience is preferred.